

First Impressions of Israel (Heaven Without an Asterisk)

Remember those physics problems for an object at equilibrium?  Different forces are pulling from all directions and you need to figure out the final unknown force to keep it all from falling apart.  Israel is like that.  It is high contrast.  It is contradiction.  It is vegan cuisine.  Fine, I'll say it, they even read backwards.

Israel is the interface of the visible and the invisible worlds.  Consider two cities: Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.  Tel Aviv is a city of cranes.  A thousand drills and jackhammers singing in unison.  It is a city that spontaneously erupted from the sand one-hundred years ago to serve as a foil to Jerusalem's history and restraint.  Far from the monument to hedonism as many choose to describe it, Tel Aviv is simply a monument to "the New Jew," and it comes with a side of bacon.  Where Jerusalem was built by slaves dragging limestone blocks, Tel Aviv was built by bright-eyed young idealists with cinder blocks.  Free from the encumbrance of history, the city defines itself as a home for intellectual and social capital.  It is a home to art, music, and fine dining.  It is the Silicone Valley of the east.  It is a safe place to show some skin.